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Candidates for Public Office

Alena Ericksen Candidate for House District 18



Join our host Senator John D. Johnson and his guest Alena Ericksen on the PoliticIt Podcast.

Alena’s Statement

Every day in my counseling practice, I hear how public polices are impacting and harming individuals and families. I also feel the weight as a wife, mother, and grandmother with where this country is headed. Because of my degrees in Marriage and Family Studies and Mental Health, I take great interest in the well-being of our future. I recognize that when government serves the people by protecting unalienable rights, people have an innate capacity to rise to their potential and flourish.

I have tirelessly worked against issues and legislation that concern Utahns most. I will continue to advocate for the individual and to secure the proper role of government as outlined in our State and Federal Constitutions. You can trust me to continue to champion for principles that empower a thriving Utah, because it’s who I have always been. I am running to represent and serve you in House District 18.

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