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Congresswoman Celeste Maloy Congressional District 2 Candidate for Re-election



Join our host Senator John D. Johnson with his guest, Celeste Maloy, who won a surprise victory in the Utah Republican Party’s special convention then went on to win the congressional seat #politicit #utahelections


Official Headshot

After decades of living in small-town southern Utah, Celeste Maloy is uniquely aware of the issues facing the Second Congressional District. She is known for being a passionate defender of land rights and ownership after spending time in the district surrounded by its rich natural resources and public lands.

Celeste was born in Cedar City and raised in small-town Hiko, Nevada with her five siblings before attending Southern Utah University and earning a degree in agriculture.  

Celeste began her public service career as a soil conservationist for ten years before going on to earn her law degree from Brigham Young University and becoming a deputy Washington County attorney. She also served as a public lands attorney for the Utah Association of Counties and a staff attorney for the Washington County Water Conservancy District. Most recently, she served as Chief Legal Counsel to former Representative Chris Stewart.

Celeste joined Congress in 2023 and serves on the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee as well as the House Committee on Small Business. She is also proud to serve on several caucuses, including the Colorado River Basin Caucus and Bipartisan Wildfire Caucus, where she can address issues directly impacting the West.

Congresswoman Maloy is honored to represent Utah’s Second Congressional District and is dedicated to solving the challenges facing the district and state, from federal overreach of Utah’s public lands to out of control government spending.

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