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Corinne Johnson with Utah Parents United and her daughter Liddy bringing awareness to Social Media



Join Senator John D. Johnson, our esteemed host, alongside his special guests Corinne Johnson President of Utah Parents United, and her 15-year-old daughter, Liddy. Together, they courageously delve into their family’s journey grappling with social media addiction.

Liddy explained “My parents took all the precautions like limited screen time on Pinterest, you know, everything that people said you needed to do, but it didn’t work. I found my way around the restrictions on my phone, and I spent hours doing nothing but mindless scrolling.”

Corinne Johnson  explained “As a general rule, we don’t like the government getting involved in the day-to-day parenting we do with our kids. This is a big exception to that rule,” Johnson said. “It is abundantly clear that despite our best efforts, we are no match for big tech. We are no match for the addictive algorithms that enslave our young children, destroy their confidence, tear down their identities, and cause anxiety, depression, and suicide. We can’t fight this battle alone.”

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