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Critical Race Theory

CD1 Candidate Andrew Badger and New Discourses Founder James Lindsey



Andrew Badger graduated from Harvard University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Government and Middle Eastern Studies.  Mr. Badger later obtained a Master’s Degree in Diplomacy from the University of Oxford, where he graduated with honors from the Foreign Service Program which is designed to educate diplomats. 

At both Harvard & Oxford Andrew was often the lone conservative in the proverbial liberal lion’s den, instilling within me the fortitude and resolve necessary to effectively defend conservative values against radical leftism.

Andrew started his career as a civilian intelligence officer for the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) – where General Mike Flynn was his first boss.

Dr. James Lindsay is a critic of woke culture, which he analogizes to religious belief.[25] He describes “the Social Justice Movement” as his “ideological enemy”, and wrote an essay branding the movement as “critical social justice”, arguing that “it’s nearly always best to name your enemy something that they would or do call themselves.”[26] In 2020, columnist Cathy Young described Lindsay as “an author with a large ‘anti-woke’ online following”.[27] Despite opposing Donald Trump in the 2016 United States presidential election, Lindsay announced his intention to vote for Trump in the 2020 United States presidential election, citing a perceived illiberalism on the left as the reason.[28]

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