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Candidates for Public Office

Mike Carey is a conservative running for Salt Lake County Council, At-Large.



Join Senator John D. Johnson for a conversation with Mike Carey, candidate for Salt Lake County Council, At-Large.

Meet Mike!

My family and I moved to Utah over 13 years ago for its sense of community, its values, and its natural beauty. I’ve worked all over the United States and lived in places that saw massive changes in only a generation or two, so I’ve seen the opportunities – as well as the pitfalls – that await us if we do not change course.

Salt Lake County is growing, and change is inevitable. How we manage that change requires experience and leadership working with diverse groups of stakeholders to address complex issues. Together, we can create solutions that better manage the inevitable, yet focus on serving the interests of our current residents and businesses.

As your At-Large County Council representative for the next 6 years, I will leverage my experience leading large, complex organizations, and forging a lean, efficient path forward. Along with my proven ability to bring people together to implement common sense solutions that work for everyone, we’ll maintain this unparalleled quality of life we already enjoy in Salt Lake County.

#politicit #utahelections #utpol

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